What is integrative functional nutrition?
Integrative and Functional Nutrition (IFN) is an approach that combines the very best of modern science, clinical wisdom, and critical thinking found in traditional and complementary alternative medicine.
Another way to look at it is to break down each part:
Functional medicine takes a systems biology approach to find and treat the root cause of illness or disease. This is accomplished by reviewing medical history, intake forms, lab work, medications, supplements, diet, and genetics. From these pieces of information, Rey collaborates with you to build a therapeutic plan towards improved health.
Integrative medicine supports the functional approach by looking at lifestyle (i.e. diet, botanicals, exercise, stress, sleep, social wellbeing, environment, religious or spiritual practice, etc) and mind-body systems (i.e. nervous system and trauma response) that may be contributing to your dis-ease. This accounts for a large part of the counseling work that Rey does. They will discuss options that may help you balance these parts of your life.
Whats is Somatic Experiencing™ ?
Many people experience traumatic events in their lifetime. In some cases, that trauma continues unresolved, creating a physiological charge that can be felt in the body and present in a myriad of ways. When that charge is not released, the body constantly activates a trauma response - such as flight, fight, freeze, collapse, or fawn - particularly in situations that may not be threatening. The person can experience feeling “stuck” in behavioral patterns and struggles to initiate or sustain desired changes.
Somatic Experiencing™ (SE) is a modality that helps clients create awareness of their body sensations and trauma responses. By learning how to settle the nervous system and release the physiological charge, the person begins to develop a new relationship with their bodies and sense of self.
In Rey’s work, SE™ is used to support clients with building a healing relationship with food and eating habits, as well as improving symptoms related to digestion, immune function, and hormone imbalances. This is accomplished by improving the relationship with the body via the nervous system. From a more embodied place, it becomes easier to make and maintain changes that support our health and well-being
Is meeting with an integrative Functional and Somatic-Informed dietitian right for me?
While I believe that Integrative Functional medicine and Somatic Experiencing™ can meet everyone’s needs, I recognize that for some people it may not be a good fit. If you struggle with the philosophy or concepts of either model, I recommend that you spend more time learning about them before you make a commitment to work with me.
If you are curious to learn more, start with these videos: